My story and my purpose
My transition from an early career in sales and marketing to the world of learning and development some 30 years ago was a life-changing shift for me both in experience and in personal fulfilment. Working with people to help them to self-develop, gave me a sense of meaning that I had previously yearned for.
In 1994, I Ieft the secure world of employment to set up my own L&D consultancy business and to work freelance. My new role as a consultant and facilitator exposed me to working with a host of large PLCs and smaller owner managed SMEs, mainly in the UK. This was a steep learning curve going from a corporate role with all of the support I received, to becoming the chief cook and bottle washer – in other words, I had to learn not only how to market my business but to also manage all of the back-office jobs associated with running a company.
In 2003, a truly synchronistic event led me to join a global leadership consultancy which I still am proud to work with to this day. This move completely altered the trajectory of my career and my life and led me to a feeling that I can now claim that my life is truly on purpose. I knew intuitively that my future career lay in leadership development and executive coaching.
My purpose and the 'why' that drives it
I feel truly blessed and grateful to be alive at this time. Although I wake up each day to disheartening news of pandemics, wars, social, environmental, economic and political problems, I never lose sight that it doesn’t have to be like this. We should never lose the will, and the determination, to help create a better world, and a more just world, a world where we take more care of each other and of course the planet on which we live. It is my belief that we all, as human beings and organisations alike, have the responsibility for this.