About me
I am an intuitive, empathic and passionate leadership development consultant and executive coach and have worked for many years in the corporate environment.
I now dedicate my time to supporting my corporate clients as well as those who come to me to work on their personal goals and aspirations. Typically, my clients are searching for meaning in their work and their lives and a safe place where they can openly and honestly express themselves.
With over 40 years of corporate experience, the last 20 spent working with the leaders of some of the world’s largest organisations, I understand the pressures that so many men and women face today when trying to create a better, more fulfilling professional or personal life for themselves.
I am very fortunate to have traveled the world to work with executives who operate in frequently challenging and stressful environments. During this time, I helped my clients to overcome the challenges they faced, helping them to discover more meaning in their work; indeed, more meaning in their lives. I helped them make the shifts needed in their belief and values systems to transform into the people they wanted so much to be – more importantly, the people they were born to be.
Who I've worked with
What others say about me
I believe that the best people to tell you about me are those whose lives have been impacted in some way or other by my work with them. Here is a selection of comments from some of my most recent clients. I would be happy, with their permission, to put you into contact with them to find out more.